Monday, November 28, 2011

Ecosocialist Horizons

Report from South Africa Announcing the launch of Ecosocialist Horizons! 

Quinzy Saul
November 28, 2011
Visit the site HERE.

Dear friends, Greetings from Durban, South Africa! As many of you know, I am here with thousands of people from all over the world who have gathered around the 17th meeting convened by the United Nations on climate change. There are two things about this meeting about that just about everyone agrees on.

Together, they make for a deadly paradox of epic proportions:

1. Given the current level and growth of greenhouse gas emissions, the Durban talks are the last chance for the governments of the world to stabilize climate change below 2 degrees celsius. It is scientifically well
established that a 2 degree increase will result in hundreds of millions of deaths worldwide.

2. Political commentators across the spectrum, from ultra right to radical left, are pretty much agreed that the Durban talks will fail. While there is controversy over the precise otucome of the talks and the nature of the
failue to come, it is basically accepted in mainstream discourse that global governance, when it comes to climate change, has lost legitimacy. In light of these realities, an international climate justice movement has converged in Durban, both to challenge the UN process and delegates (from both the inside and the outside), and to strategize about what is to be done.

At this historic moment, I am very excited to announce the launch of a new organization, of which I am a co-founder, called Ecosocialist Horizons. Over the next two weeks, our small delegation will be participating in the mobilizations, teach-ins, forums and debates that are part of this convergence of the climate justice movement. You will be able to read my semi-regular reports on the Ecosocialist Horizon.

Spread the word! Stay tuned! Amandla!

Quincy Saul

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