February 14, 2012
The agreement will enable the two publications to share resources and expand the audience for our Marxist perspective on environmental issues.
Since 1949, Monthly Review has made invaluable contributions to the fight against capitalism, imperialism and the commodification of life. In the past decade, it has come to be widely recognized as an authoritative voice of ecological Marxism.
So I was deeply honored when MR editor John Bellamy Foster proposed that we join forces to make C&C’s unique coverage of the global fight against capitalist ecocide available through Monthly Review’s popular and growing website.
We took the first small practical step last week. There is now a link to Monthly Review in our header menu, and a similar link to Climate and Capitalism in Monthly Review’s header menu.
We are now working with MR’s webmaster on a redesign that will make C&C more attractive and readable, and on technical changes that will facilitate searching, indexing and cross-linking between MR and C&C. And there is more to come.
Some things will not change. C&C’s web address is still climateandcapitalism.com. Our Facebook pages, email notifications and RSS feeds remain.
And I will continue as editor, with full responsibility for our editorial mission:
- to provide news and analysis to inform, educate and develop the green left;
- to contribute to building an international movement against capitalist destruction of the environment and for ecosocialism; and,
- to encourage and facilitate collaboration and exchanges of views among socialists and ecology activists.
As always, your comments, suggestions and criticisms are more than welcome.
Ian Angus
Editor, Climate and Capitalism
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