Dec. 5,2010
Twelve essays in four parts, focusing on ecocinema as activist cinema; the representation of environmental justice issues in Hollywood; independent and foreign films, the representation of animals, ecosystems, natural and human-made landscapes and readings of two mainstream eco-auteurs, Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Peter Greenaway, Framing the World; explorations in ecocriticism and film, edited by Paula Willoquet-Maricondi, 2010
At last, a book on ecocriticism for film that is more than a review of films with environmental themes (though there are so very few of the latter as well). Lots of very valuable and timely essays on both mainstream cinema but also identifying key experimental filmmakers who have developed ecocentric approaches to film-making, for eg. in the work of independent Slovenian film/sound artist Andrej Zdravic. Also an excellent chapter on the very real limitations and lack of critical awareness in the director Herzog’s popularly regarded environmental films.
Film writers and critics have been surprisingly remiss from really exploring ecological concerns or even the potential for cinema to present new ways of relating to the earth. Also missing has been an understanding that cinema has been largely responsible for reinforcing our feelings of separation from nature, not showing how we are intimately connected and dependent on the ecosystems around us. There is even less awareness in how cinema is the engine of our hyper-consumer unsustainable societies that are causing such irreparable ecological harm. Literature has enjoyed an eco-critical discourse for the last 20 years, lets hope books such as this will move conversations in film studies much more rapidly.

Still Life shows the arrival of two people to Fengjie in the Sichuan province of China. Han Sanming (Han Sanming) arrives in the city looking for his daughter who he hasn’t seen since he split up from his wife sixteen years ago, but he finds that the address of the house he is looking for is no longer in existence. It is underwater, flooded in an early phase of the creation of the Three Gorges Dam. WINNER of “Grand Prize” – 2006 Venice Film Festival.
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